Friday, August 7

A little late

LAST weekend we went to Raleigh to visit my Aunt Rose and Uncle Tony. Haylee's GGLIZ was there recovering from her knee surgery and so was my Grandma. My Uncle just recently had a heart attack so we mainly went to see him and how he was doing. Which he was doing perfectly fine! We also got to see my parents Saturday morning before they flew back to Germany.

I really like this picture. We went to a park near my Aunt's house and they had a mini playground more Haylee size. Some things were still a little to big for her to do by herself but she had a lot of fun. It took us several attempts to get her to go through this tunnel. She wasn't too sure about it. But when she saw her little cousin Brooklyn go through it without any problem, she thought it would be okay.

Haylee LOVES the swings. In fact, when you try to take her out of it she cries. I guess it's relaxing to her, but it's pretty easy to make her happy when she's swinging! :)

My Aunt Rose has decided to give us this wagon. It was used for her grandchildren and they have pretty much outgrown it. It's a really nice wagon and we really appreciate her giving it to us! Haylee is with her cousin Brooklyn in this picture.

After the park we had spaghetti waiting for us. As you can tell spaghetti is Haylee's absolute favorite! It was soooo yummy! After this picture was taken, Haylee went straight to the bath tub!!

ALL CLEAN! Putting together a puzzle before it was night-night time.
(Well trying to put together a puzzle)

We always have a great time visiting family, I'm glad we have family so close, minus Nana and Papa and my sister...but it is nice to be surrounded by those who love you.