Tuesday, November 3

I know, I'm a little late...

Happy Halloween!

So Halloween is not my favorite Holiday by any means and we don't "celebrate" Halloween as far as what the Holiday stands for. But we did enjoy some of the festivities this year. I had a lot of fun dressing up Haylee as Minnie Mouse.

Sunday before Halloween, our church had it's Fall Fesitival. I made chili (or well taco soup) for the chili cook off and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. They had hot dogs for the kids along with finger sandwiches and chips. (since most of the chili's are super hot.) We had a costume contest and Haylee won 3rd place! I was so proud of her. I'm not sure if she realized what was happening but she knew everyone was clapping and she smiled so big. And no of course I did not get of picture of it. We also had trunk or treat at the end. Which if you are not familiar with this term, it is just like it sounds. Instead of trick or treating around neighborhoods, the kids trick or treat out of the trunks of cars. People from the church volunteer to decorate there trunk and come up with a neat game and pass out candy. It was a lot of fun! They also had a booth set up to take professional pictures which was new from last year. The first picture was one of the professional ones taken...it was the end of the night and Haylee was pooped but I think it turned out pretty good!

This past Saturday (Halloween night) we went trick or treating with friends from church. Our neighborhood mostly consist of retirees and none of them pass out candy. So our friends had a more kid friendly neighborhood.

They have 2 olders girls and a little boy close to Haylee's age. He was Mickey Mouse

(Haylee's boyfriend) hehe This was the 4 of them posing before we went trick or treating.

This is me and my friend Kristin with the kiddos...they look tired don't they?? Me and Kristin matched and didn't even mean to...our husbands got a kick out of that!

This is what we had waiting for us when we were done trick or treating. We decided to do pizza for dinner but they had asked me to make a banana pudding. They said they were addicted to my banana pudding but I don't even make it homemade...it's like the lazy way to make it...but they like it so I made one for dessert. I even tried to be festive and make a pumpkin out of vanilla wafers. It didn't look exactly like I wanted it to, but atleast you can tell it's a pumpkin!

It's way past bed time by now, but so what who cares? It's a holiday and we are getting an extra hour of sleep before church. So we let the kids stay up and play ring around the rosie. At this point they were full of sugar and had a ball just being kids!

On a different note...I just had to add this picture in. It is SOOO funny! I have looked at it a million times and I bust out laughing every time. It's just such a funny picture...and so candid. I didn't even know I caught that face until after when I was looking back through the pictures. It's a priceless face though...I just love it!!

And I'll finish with this picture. Haylee decided to steal Daddy's hat and wear it for the day. She looked super cute as a little gangster. I just love her death...Can you tell we both like to cheese?

Well with Halloween over I guess Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!! But I have one more big thing I am looking forward to before Thanksgiving and it happens this weekend!!



I am so excited!! We leave Friday morning for Greensboro.
(a bunch of ladies from church are all going together)

I am just so excited...God has big things in store for this trip and I just can't wait!!


Alisha Harris said...

CUTE CUTE PICTURES...ok first off i had no idea it was a pumpkin on the banana pudding, i thought it was a flower and i couldn't figure out why that one wafer was turned up...but NOW it looks like a pumpkin haha....and that picture of haylee the "candid" one is HILARIOUS!! hahah it looks like she's making fun of a retarted person hhaha

Jason MacDonald said...

Your blog looks great, I am really impressed!!